"rejects" government's proposed subsidized petrol scheme

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has "rejected" the Pakistani government's proposed scheme to subsidize petrol for the public. According to reports, the IMF is concerned about the financial impact of the scheme on the country's economy.


The government had proposed to provide a subsidy of PKR 2.5 billion per month to provide relief to the public from rising petrol prices. However, the IMF has expressed reservations over the scheme, stating that it would put an additional burden on the already struggling economy of Pakistan.


This rejection from the IMF has put the government in a tough spot, as it had promised to provide relief to the public in the face of rising inflation. The petrol prices in Pakistan have increased by almost 50% in the last year, leading to public outrage and protests.


The government's proposed scheme was aimed at providing some relief to the public, but the IMF's rejection has put a halt to that. The government is now in a difficult position, as it has to find alternate ways to provide relief to the public without putting an additional burden on the economy.


The IMF has been a key partner in providing financial assistance to Pakistan in times of economic crisis. However, this rejection of the government's proposed scheme has put a strain on their relationship. The government will now have to come up with a new plan to provide relief to the public without affecting the economy.


In conclusion, the IMF's rejection of the government's proposed subsidized petrol scheme has put the government in a difficult position. The rising petrol prices have led to public outrage, and the government had promised relief. However, the IMF's concerns over the scheme's financial impact have put a halt to that. The government will now have to find alternate ways to provide relief to the public without affecting the economy.





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